WNCCHS Internal Communication Tools

As Danielle mentioned at our recent All Staff meeting, we're excited to introduce some new and improved internal communication tools that will make it easier for our staff to stay connected.

Since the presentation had to be cut for time, it was recorded instead. You can watch the 12-minute presentation here, or click the image below. Managers will also share the presentation during upcoming staff meetings.

Click to Watch Presentation

Presentation | Key Takeaways & Resources

WNCCHS Teams Channels:

In an effort to reduce email clutter while still fostering our growing community, we’ve launched two new Teams channels. Please make a habit of checking these two channels regularly or you’ll miss important updates – not to mention fun activities, games, and discussions!

  • The WNCCHS General channel is our virtual water cooler, and anyone can post. This is your home for non-crucial updates, casual chats, activities, and more.

  • The WNCCHS Announcements channel is for official business and important announcements that we don’t want getting lost in General. Only senior leaders and our health center directors can currently post in this channel, but anyone can comment.


  •  WNCCHS Teams QuickStart Guide: Learn how to access Teams through your computer app, Web browser, or smartphone, and how to adjust the notification settings. Please submit an IT ticket if you experience any issues getting in.

  • WNCCHS Teams General Chat Best Practices: Please review these standard dos and don’ts for communicating in a professional setting. Please Note: Please don’t use these channels for patient care coordination.


Help us reduce inbox fatigue by considering the relevancy and importance of each email.

  • WNCCHS AllStaff Email: AllStaff@wncchs.org is reserved for crucial updates for all WNCCHS staff. We want to move away from using this email as our default way of communicating with one another. If the message isn’t crucial, please post it in the WNCCHS Teams General channel (see above). Or, if the message is not for everyone, please choose a more targeted email address(es) from the distribution group list (see below.) Folks who don’t follow these best practices will receive friendly reminders from myself or HR.

  • WNCCHS Email Distribution Groups: Before pressing “send” on an email going out to the AllStaff distribution group, ask yourself “is this applicable to ALL WNCCHS staff?” If the answer is no, please choose another, more defined email distribution group. We have one for each location, pod, and most major teams/departments.

WNCCHS Intranet:

You’ve hopefully seen the Intranet since it’s set as our WNCCHS homepage. 😊 On the Intranet, you’ll find common links, a calendar, phone directory, and a blog section for news and photo galleries. Please email mgriffin@wncchs.org if you have ideas for content.

Paycor Engage:

We’re still sharing work anniversaries, new team members, and other employee updates on Paycor, our HR management tool.

Thank you for helping us take the next step in improving WNCCHS’s internal communications!


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