WNCCHS patients now have access to Epic’s award-winning patient portal, MyChart.
View medical records
See lab results
Request or cancel appointments
Talk to care team
Request prescription refills
MyChart Quick Start Guide
What Will You Need?
You need all of these things to use our online patient portal, MyChart.
Internet Access
There are many places in the community where you may access the internet for free, including WNCCHS health center locations.
Private Email Address
If you do not have an email address already, you can get one for free online.
Computer or Smartphone
If you have a smart phone, download the MyChart - By Epic app, then search for "WNCCHS."
On a computer, go to https://mychart.ochin.org/WNCCHS
MyChart Activation Code
Ask your Care Team about the different ways to activate MyChart. The activation code is always case-sensitive.
Signing Up
There are three ways to sign up for our online patient portal, MyChart.
MyChart is password protected to others cannot log into your account and see your information.
At a Health Center
At any WNCCHS health center location, such as Minnie Jones Health Center, ask staff for an activation code.
At Home
Use the activation code that health center staff give you, your date of birth, and last four digits of our social security number to register from your home computer. Go to mychart.ochin.org/WNCCHS
Self Sign Up
Tell your WNCCHS care team that you want help signing up and do it together. You will need your name, date of birth, and social security number.
Having Trouble?
If the information provided matches your WNCCHS registration exactly, you will be enrolled immediately.
If you're having trouble signing up, please contact us: (828) 285-0622.