Support your child's development into a healthy adult with comprehensive care from Western North Carolina Community Health Services. We provide pediatric services at three locations, along with specialized pediatric dental care and behavioral health services for young people and families facing mental health and substance use challenges. Our approach is to care for your entire family, from infants to adults. Having your family's doctors, dentist, and Pharmacy all in one place is a convenience that our patients greatly appreciate and value.
Same-day appointments are also available for more urgent health care needs.
Request an Appointment
Appointments can be requested by calling (828) 285-0622.
Well-Child Exams
Vision Screenings
Hearing Screenings
Asthma Management
Laboratory Services
Pediatric Dentistry
School / Sports Physicals
Behavioral Health
Chronic Childhood Illnesses
Accidents and Injuries
Nutrition Counseling
Behavior Counseling
Parenting Education
Referrals for Specialty Care
Service availability varies by location. If your local location does not offer a service needed, a medical scheduler can help locate one nearby that does.
The cost of your appointment will vary based on your tier of our Sliding Discount program, your health insurance status, and the services provided. Your Sliding Scale tier is based on your income and family size.
If you are uninsured and eligible for Medicaid, we can also help you enroll. Call us to be connected with a Medicaid Navigator who can walk you through the process.
We accept most major insurance, including Medicaid and Medicare.
Yes, all of our locations are accepting new patients at this time.
Same-day appointments are available for more urgent needs.
Yes, we currently offer School-Based Behavioral Health services in nine schools in McDowell and Buncombe counties. Learn more.
Pediatric Care is Offered at These Locations:
Minnie Jones Health Center
Asheville, NC
McDowell Health Center
Marion, NC