MANNA FoodBank
Mobile Market

Hosted by WNCCHS

UPDATE MARCH 2025: After a long hiatus due to Hurricane Helene, the MANNA FoodBank Mobile Market hosted by WNCCHS IS BACK!

Join us on Weds, March 26 and Weds, April 23 from 11 AM to 12:30.

The MANNA FoodBank Mobile Market hosted by WNCCHS is held on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. All markets are free and open to anyone who needs support with groceries. Please bring your own reusable bags!

We're at our location on Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College campus. We'll be set up in the parking near near Brumit Hospitality Center at 71 Fernihurst — please see the map below.

Our "choice market” means that folks can choose their groceries from what's available. Walk through in just minutes!