Sliding Discount Program
Get Payment Assistance with our Sliding Discount Program.
Western North Carolina Community Health Services offers a program that can reduce the cost of care for patients. Uninsured patients can benefit from lower total costs, and insured patients can have their deductibles reduced.
As a Community Health Center, we provide essential services regardless of a patient’s ability to pay.
Discounts are offered based on household income and size. A “family” is defined as one or more persons living in one dwelling place who are related by blood, marriage, or law. Adults and minor children are considered a family. Relatives over 18 (who are not full-time students) are not eligible to be used as dependents for this application process.
Prefer to Apply in Person? Call to Schedule a Meeting with an Application Counselor.
Proof of Income or Inability to Pay Documentation
You will also need to provide one of the following:
Two Recent Pay Stubs
Completed Employment Verification Form
Unemployment Compensation
Workers Compensation Showing Last Four Weeks of Income
Social Security Income (SSI) Letter
Disability or SSI Benefits, Letter D
Documentation from a Local, State or Federal Agency
Letter of Support from Charitable Organization
Child Support Court Award
Veteran's Benefit Statement
Last year’s Income Tax Return including W-2 or 1099 (only if self-employed)
Income Tax W2 Form
Two Recent Bank Statements
Acceptable Identification
Driver's License
Current College ID Card
U.S. State-Issued ID Card
U.S. Immigration Photo ID Card
Military/Foreign ID Card
Sliding Discount Program Quick Guide
1) Submit an Application Form
Our Sliding Discount Program application form can be completed online and emailed to slidingfee@wncchs.org or filled out during an in-person appointment.
2) Meet With a Certified Application Counselor
Schedule your appointment to meet with a Certified Application Counselor to review your application form.
3) Bring Financial Information
4) Get Approved
Remember to bring proof of income and ID to your meeting (see examples on this page). This information is required to complete the application.
After approval, you’re able to make an appointment for any service offered at any WNCCHS location.
Re-Apply Annually
Applicants will need to reapply for discounts once a year with new proof of income.
Sliding Discount Program Income Levels
The Sliding Discount Program Income Levels chart is used to determine the discount a patient is eligible to receive on their total charges for services. The scale can change from year to year, and the scale below should be used as a reference. Sliding scale level will be determined after application submission.

Frequently Asked Questions
To get started, you’ll first need to submit a Sliding Discount Program application.
This can be done by downloading the application form and sending it to slidingfee@wncchs.org, then uploading your qualifying documents to the WNCCHS Dropbox.
You can also schedule an in-person appointment with a Certified Application Counselor. Call 828-285-0622 to set up the appointment.PLEASE NOTE: A completed Sliding Fee Application and proof of income must be provided before any discount can be applied. (Previously, patients had 10 business days to provide proof of income.)
Additionally, we will no longer be able to adjust balances for visits that occurred before a patient was fully enrolled in the Sliding Fee Program.
Qualification is based on your household’s combined annual income and family size. Even if you don’t qualify for 100% coverage, there are several tiers and you may still be eligible for discounts.
Social Security/Disability Income
Veteran's Payments
Child Support
Retirement Income
Unemployment Benefits
Public Assistance Income
Other Income
Upon meeting with a Certified Application Counselor, you’ll be either approved or denied for the sliding discount program. Once approved, you’ll be able to schedule an appointment for any of our services offered, as well as take advantage of our low-cost Pharmacy.
Patients must supply required documentation, including valid photo identification, proof of income for the past 30 days, and current address verification. See examples on this webpage.
Yes, you will need proof of income for everyone within the household that has an income. This is used to help determine where you will appear on the sliding scale.
All Sliding Discount Program members need to reapply every year to maintain their status. This is used to make adjustments to the scale, to make sure you’re saving as much as possible.
If a patient arrives for a visit and their Sliding Fee Program enrollment has expired, we are able to offer a one-time, grace discount fee of $50 for medical visits, $30 for behavioral health visits, and various fees for dental visits, depending on the service.
This discount is available for only one visit. After this, any further visits will be billed at the full charge unless the Sliding Fee Application is completed.
If a patient arrives for a visit and their Sliding Fee Program enrollment has expired, we are able to offer a one-time, grace discount fee of $50 for medical visits, $30 for behavioral health visits, and various fees for dental visits, depending on the service.
This discount is available for only one visit. After this, any further visits will be billed at the full charge unless the Sliding Fee Application is completed.
If you have questions, please reach out to the WNCCHS front desk or speak with our eligibility team. We are here to help.