HIV Care

HIV can impact anyone regardless of sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, gender, or age. At Western North Carolina Community Health Services, we provide extensive HIV care through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program provides funding to assist with the cost of providing outpatient medical care and related services for people living with HIV. Thus, this program enables us to offer high-quality, affordable medical care and support services to people living with HIV across the 18 counties of Western North Carolina, where we are the sole Ryan White-funded care provider. Our integrated HIV services include medical, dental, and behavioral health care, all provided by skilled and compassionate clinicians in one convenient location. Visit us for dedicated and comprehensive primary and HIV care in your area.

Request an Appointment

Appointments can be requested by calling (828) 285-0622.

Ryan White Administrator


HIV and STI Testing

Medical Case Management

Medical Transportation

Health Insurance Assistance

Referrals to Specialty Care

Prevention and Education

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PREP)

HIV Specialty Care

HIV Medical Treatment, Including Rapid ART

Emergency Financial Assistance (food and utility assistance)

Service availability varies by location. If your local location does not offer a service needed, a medical scheduler can help locate one nearby that does.


  • The cost of your appointment will vary based on your tier of our Sliding Discount program, your health insurance status, and the services provided. Your Sliding Scale tier is based on your income and family size.

    The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program provides funding to assist with the cost of providing outpatient medical care and related services for qualifying people living with HIV disease.

    The patient’s financial status will be assessed at intake and annually thereafter to determine eligibility for a sliding fee discount. Income verification must be provided to be eligible. There will be no out of pocket costs imposed on patients whose income is at or below 100% of the federal poverty level. If you are insured, an insurance claim will be filed for all rendered services.

  • PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) can reduce your chance of getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV. PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99% when taken as prescribed. Learn More.

  • No, you do not need insurance to schedule an appointment. When you call, ask a team member how you can qualify for financial assistance through our Sliding Scale Discount Program.

  • We accept most major insurance, including Medicaid and Medicare.

  • Yes, we are accepting new patients at this time.

HIV Care is Offered at These WNCCHS Locations:

Minnie Jones Health Center
Asheville, NC

McDowell Health Center
Marion, NC

Meet Your HIV Care Providers